iLinc for Salesforce Empowers Online Event Organizers by Automa;cally Adding Valuable Registra;on and A?endance Data to Key Salesforce Records

PHOENIX, Arizona (October 21, 2009) –

iLinc, a leading provider of web and video conferencing
software and services, today announced that iLinc for Salesforce had been named the “App of the
Week,” a designa;on given to a SoRware-as-a-Service (SaaS) applica;on that integrates with the
Salesforce Customer Rela;onship Management (CRM) plaXorm and is available for download on the AppExchange. The iLinc for Salesforce applica;on was highlighted for its ability to integrate
webinar data with exis;ng Salesforce CRM data, giving organiza;ons the visibility they need to
effec;vely sell to and communicate with poten;al customers, as well as to increase the loyalty of exis;ng
clients. The ability to launch virtual mee;ngs directly from Salesforce Lead and Contact records was also
a key feature.
James M. Powers, Jr., President and Chief Execu;ve Officer of iLinc, said, “We are very proud that iLinc
for Salesforce was chosen as the AppExchange ‘App of the Week.’ Our en;re product development
strategy centers on solving our customers’ tangible business problems, and our decision to create a
robust integra;on with Salesforce CRM was no excep;on. By combining a professional-grade web
conferencing plaXorm with real-;me data management, this one-of-a-kind solu;on allows today’s
organiza;on to seamlessly deliver high-impact webinars, sales demos and product training sessions
while simultaneously keeping the sales and customer support teams informed and empowered to
succeed at every step of the process.”
By moving their webinars and online training sessions to the iLinc plaXorm, iLinc customers not only
benefit from the seamless integra;on of two key business systems, but they also gain the visibility into
online event intelligence that they need to be successful. Gary Aller, Director of Arizona State University’s
Alliance for Construc;on Excellence, regularly hosts paid training sessions for members of the
construc;on community. iLinc for Salesforce enables him to track the success of his courses and
effec;vely follow up with a?endees. Aller says, “Unlike non-integrated web conferencing tools, iLinc for
Salesforce provides incredibly useful historical informa;on and has helped us fine-tune our sales and
marke;ng efforts.”
Built using the plaXorm, as well as the na;ve Apex and VisualForce languages, iLinc for
Salesforce is immediately available for test drive and deployment on the AppExchange at h?p:// iLinc is also a Gold sponsor at this year’s Dreamforce,’s annual user conference taking place November 17 – 20, 2009. A?endees at the
conference are invited to visit iLinc’s booth (#910) to view a demo of iLinc for Salesforce.
Contact: Jason Walker
Vice President, Sales
(602) 952-1200
About iLinc
iLinc, a recognized leader in web and video conferencing and collabora;on solu;ons, empowers people
to achieve their organiza;onal goals easily and quickly, making it possible for them to accomplish more,
travel less, achieve work-life balance, all while preserving the environment. iLinc’s soRware-as-a-service
(SaaS) delivery, industry-leading service, and integra;ons such as iLinc for Salesforce, which
automa;cally synchronizes web conferencing and CRM data, increase opera;onal efficiency across the
organiza;on, lekng you drive more revenue. For more, visit
iLinc and its respec;ve logo is the trademark of iLinc Communica;ons, Inc. Any other company name
and product reference may be trademarks of the respec;ve company.

Source: iLinc

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